Artist Chosen!

Hey folks!  Tehani here.  I am soooo excited and proud to announce that an artist has officially been chosen for our Spirit Dance project and we are moving forward with the publishing company!  YAY!  We have one particular publishing house in mind that has shown much interest, but until the completion, we keep working.  And the work has been fabulous.  This is a great fit and a wonderful collaboration.  Jose Loza is a colleague who I have served with on the board of directors for a local arts organization and I have always been a great fan of his artwork.  Loza's work continuously and consistently reveals a sense of depth, emotion, flow and radiance that is uniquely him.  I'll say it again: I am a fan.  Honored and enthusiastic about this collaboration.  I can't wait to share our finished product!  Visit Jose and his work at


"Whispers" by Jose Loza

"Whispers" by Jose Loza